She Loves The F Word

I'm just a potty mouth Girl with a passion for Fashion, Food, and Fitness

About Me

I'm a potty mouth girl who has a love for fabulous clothes, a healthy lifestyle and a good home cooked meal.

I grew up with a fast talking father who had a flair for letting the F word roll right off of his tongue in the most charming way. That's where my love affair with the F word all began.   

You'll frequently hear the F word fly from my mouth in moments of pure joy, excitement, anger, and well just about any time it feels right.  What is it about the F word that just feels so good?

My love for the F word spans across more than my adoration for foul language.  As I was building this blog, I knew one thing.  I wanted to share my passions.  When I think about what inspires me, I found they all centered around one theme.   The F word.  Fashion, Fitness, Food, Family, Friends, Flowers and of course, THE F word and well.... that is how She Loves the F Word was born.  


I'm busy.  We all are.  I'm juggling a career as a designer, 2 young boys, a husband and a healthy lifestyle.   Add in a social life and well, life is just pure chaos most of the time.   People are often asking me, how do you do it all?   Well, people here's the truth, I'm kind of like a Monet.  From afar everything looks lovely but once you get up close, it's a real hot mess.

I can't tell you how many times I've run out the door in the morning thinking I look extra chic only to get to work and discover everyone can see my underwear through my skirt and I have lipstick on my teeth.  There are way too many "junk" drawers in my house and my socks rarely match.  I may put up a fabulous facade but behind the scenes is not so glamorous. 

I'm so busy I try to keep my looks quick and simple, but I always like to include an unexpected flair. My go to outfit is a tailored dress with a great accessory.  I love a statement necklace or a stack of bangles.   Plus, a great accessory will distract from the fact that I more than likely have coffee down the front of my dress. 

If you like it, wear it. F#ck what everyone else thinks. Self confidence is the best outfit you own, so rock it.

I'm no fashionista and I am certainly no runway model but I know what I like and I feel good when I wear it.  That's all that matters.  The most important thing is that you feel confident in whatever you wear.   If you like it, wear it.  F#ck what everyone else thinks.  Self confidence is the best outfit you own, so rock it.  






I believe you should sweat everyday.  After all, good things come to those who sweat.  My grandma once told me, "It's not a good workout unless you have to go home and change your panties." I like to think that if my 95 year old grandma can still get to aerobics, the least I can do is get my ass to the gym. 

I enjoy SPX reformer Pilates, running, circuit training and I've been known to make the occasional cross fit appearance.   I should go to yoga more.   You will NEVER find me in a spin class.  I think it's important find something you enjoy and do it.  If you don't like it, try something else.  I like to continually change up my workouts to try new things.  It keeps my body guessing and my mind challenged.  I don't have the perfect body, but I feel strong and confident.   I always consider my body as a work in progress.   I put in the work and it makes progress.  

I'm currently obsessed with the 21 day fix program.  The workouts can be done from home and are only 30 minutes.  It makes finding time to fit your workout in easier than ever.  Email me or follow this link to get more info  21 day fix info.


My food philosophy?  You are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, or fake. I strive to stay on a clean, portioned controlled diet most of the time.  But hey, no one's perfect 100% of the time, and this working mom of two loves a good glass of red wine and a decadent dessert.   It's perfectly fine to not be perfect all of the time.  After all, being perfect is F#cking exhausting.  I'm a firm believer in the 80/20 rule.  If you're doing what you're supposed to do 80% of the time, the other 20% doesn't matter.   One bad meal won't make you fat, just like one good meal won't make you skinny.  It's all about moderation.   

One bad meal won’t make you fat, just like one good meal won’t make you skinny. It’s all about moderation.

I'm not a master chef but I grew up cooking next to my mom, who is a great cook.  She taught me how to hold my own in the kitchen.   As I've gotten older, I found ways to make my mom's favorite dishes healthy, clean and delicious.   My  husband and I both work full time so I find that meal planning and prepping are the cornerstone to our family's healthy lifestyle.   I'm actually a pretty good baker so every once in a while I'll bake something super decadent.  After all, it's all about moderation!