She Loves The F Word


Fall Back Fashion

Fashionkate lawComment

Welp, the Cubs won a World Series, and I'm finally getting around to blogging again so Hell must have frozen over. I kid, I kid. Actually I just used that extra hour last night to blog, so you're welcome.  I am well aware that I am about 2 months overdue to share the goods from my Vegas market trip.  The good news is Anna and I tore up the town and picked up all the latest trends for Fall 2016.  The better news is, Fall isn't quite over yet it's not too late for you to Fall back into some killer fashion.

So what are the trends?!  Well bust out those bodysuits and tie a flannel around your waist because the 90's are back in the most badass of ways.  I hope you saved those chokers and your doc martins cause I'm about to get "my so called life" on your ass.

Chokers.  Love 'em or hate 'em but they are BAAAAACK.  Lace chokers, leather chokers, even those awful plastic chokers that look like a bad barbed wire tattoo.  All of them are back.   The new twist is a layered look with a long wrap choker. 

If Jared Leto can make a choker look this hot, you can too, my friend, you can too. 


Bodysuits.  No joke. Snap that b#tch under your hoooha and suck it in.   The tighter the better.   The lower the cut, the better.  No modesty here, ladies.  If you can pull this off, do it!  I mean this trend only comes around every 15 years!  Who knows what your body is going to look like the next time these puppies come back in style.   Just don't wear them under your Starter Jersey, we're not quite there yet, kay?

Crushed Velvet.   I'm crushing hard on this velvet jacket which just arrived in Fira this week!   I feel like Rickey Vasquez would approve.  Plus It makes me want to put on some Prince and dance around my house. Purple rain, purple rain.  RIP. 


I'm also swooning over this velvet dress with the v cut out detail.  It's all in the details ladies. 

Flannels.  Plaid flannels in every shape and size.   Yes! My obsession with starring in a Guns N Roses can now be played out on a daily basis.  



This Fall isn't just about buffalo plaid, any plaid goes.   Strap on that body suit, wrap a flannel around your waist and call it a comeback... a 90's comeback.    

Double Buckle Western Belts.  I'm not talking about your size of Texas cowboy buckle but you'll make an even bigger statement with a Western inspired double buckle belt.   Wear with a great pair of high waisted jeans and BAM! You'll be feeling like a rockstar (or a roadie) in no time. 

Floor length cardigans and kimonos.  I don't know what it is but something about a floor length sweater makes me feel like a superhero. I scored one from Forever 21 (ya I still shop there at 29...errr 30 something) and wore it to work with a crop top.   Just kidding, while the crop top is making a comeback, I wore my floor length cardigan with a tank dress and I felt like I could conquer the world.  I even had a random guy in the elevator tell me "I like your... *pause*..." pointing to my sweater.  Ya, he didn't know what to call it either but I call it just plain rad. 

Laces Out.   Lace ups are trending everywhere from shirts, bodysuits, and even Denim.   Fira has plenty of these gems to choose from. 

So there you go.  A look into a few of my favorite finds at market for Fall.  I'll leave you with this last My So Called Life quote "Sometimes it seems like we're all living in some kind of prison. And the crime is how much we hate ourselves. It's good to get really dressed up once in a while. And admit the truth: that when you really look closely? People are so strange and so complicated that they're actually... beautiful. Possibly even me."

Until next time friends, stay beautiful.  xoxo

Like these looks? Check out or shop these styles below.

It's always sunny in the Law house

Fashionkate lawComment

Gosh, these shades make me look like a genuine bada#s, don't they?  Well, I have a confession to make.   I didn't pick them out. My husband did.  He gave them to me for Christmas.  Not only did I not pick them out, I didn't even like them..... at first.   I secretly was a little disappointed when I opened them. What a b#tch. 

You see, I had mentioned I needed a new pair of sunglasses.  I even hinted around the exact pair I wanted. Come on girls, you know sometimes we need to guide our men to the gifts we really want, no matter how many years we've been married.   

A few days before Christmas our 3 year old blew my gift by saying "Mommy, daddy got you new glasses!!" My heart smiled. I couldn't wait for Christmas morning to open up my new sunnies and rock them for our Mexico trip in a few weeks.    

So Christmas morning came and I watched my kids joyfully rip through gift after gift.  I sat and blissfully enjoyed the moment.  Secretly, I couldn't wait to rip open my own gift and put those gorgeous sunnies straight on my face.   The Tiffany blue and black shades were going to be just perfect against my platinum hair.   After the excitement of Christmas morning with the kids died down, I quietly opened my gift.      

Ummm, what the f#ck is this?  These are NOT the sunnies I hinted at.   "Do you like them?" My husband asks.   "Yah" I quickly replied. He could sense my disappointment.  "You're always borrowing my Ray Bans and I thought the lenses on these were really cool."    He was right.  I was always stealing his Ray Bans and the mirrored lenses were pretty cool.   I'd seen them all over Instagram.   It seemed like every fashion blogger I follow had been rocking some sort of mirrored sunglasses recently. It's just that they weren't 'the ones' I'd been hoping for.  But they were pretty cool.   "You can exchange them at Nordstrom if you don't like them" my sweet husband said.  I felt like a complete jerk now.  He put a lot of thought into picking out these glasses.

The truth was I wasn't sure if I liked them or not.    They were kind of cool.  But where they too cool?  Too wild?  They just weren't what I was expecting.  Maybe that was okay.   Maybe my husband was actually cooler than me?   Over the weekend I tried the shades on several times and they started to grow on me.  I waited until Monday morning and I tried them on for my younger, hipper friend Al.   She loved them.   That sealed the deal.  The tags were off and I never looked back.  I'm so glad I didn't because now I'm OBSESSED with them. 

Moral of the story... sometimes your husband is cooler than you.  Sometimes he knows you better than you know yourself.   Sometimes you just need a younger, hipper friend to agree with him.

Shop my favorite mirrored shades plus 'the ones' that got away below.