She Loves The F Word

The Quest for the Perfect Holiday Party Dress

Fashionkate lawComment

What to wear to your company holiday party is always a stressful decision.  If you are like me, it's one of the few times a year you get to dress up and pretend to be super glamorous!   Before I had kids, I would go all out.  I'm talking spray tan, fresh manicure, blowout and accessorized to the nines.   Nowadays, I'm lucky to get out the door without my dress tucked into my underwear. Whether you have all the time in the world to primp or you are scrambling to find time to get a shower, the struggle to pick the right dress is real.

This year I thought I had it all figured out, with time to spare.  I ordered this killer BCBG dress from Rent the Runway.   It had a touch of sparkle that was perfect for a holiday party with a sheer top that had a subtle sexiness.  I ordered it weeks in advance along with some matching earrings and I already knew exactly what shoes I would wear.  I thought I was all set to be effortlessly party perfect.  

That was of course until my dress actually arrived.   I had ordered two sizes, a small and an extra small, as I had read in the reviews that the dress ran big.   When the dresses arrived I tried on the XS.  It fit like a glove. One problem, the shear top had a large snag in it.  No problem.  I called Rent the Runway, I knew their customer service was awesome.  They promised to send me a backup dress, in two sizes, right away.  The problem was my same dress was no longer available.  F#ck.  I'd have to pick a new pretty but subtly sexy dress.  Ugh.  Not to mention I only had 2 days until my party so the selection of dresses available on my date was slim. Talk about mission impossible! I picked out a dress I thought would work and crossed my fingers. The next day my new dress arrived.  It was a cute Elizabeth and James Emorie dress.  The color was stunning but unfortunately the cutouts were all wrong.  They cut into my waist and made it look like I was bulging out of the sides.  Not cute, my friends. It was probably for the best.  I was wondering if I was too old for cut outs anyway.  I mean, I am somebody's mother. 

Now I was full on panicking.   It was Thursday night.  My party was Friday. Ken was traveling and I had the kids on my own until he returned in time for my party.  I was not about to drag them both to the mall while I shopped on a Thursday night.  I started group texting my girlfriends.  Who has a dress I can borrow?  Do you deliver?  Then I remembered this red jumper I saw at H&M last weekend.  I thought yes, yes, yes!  I can totally rock a red jumpsuit to my party.  I mean when else would I wear a red jumpsuit? I work from home on Fridays but there is a H&M literally down the street from where I live.  Dangerous, I know. I could run down there tomorrow at 5pm, pick up this perfect jumpsuit and be home in time to shower, primp and make it to my party by 7pm.  Right? 

So there I am.   Friday at 5pm trying to run "quickly" into H&M during the holiday season.  I hadn't showered in 2 days.  My roots were blazing and my hair is piled in a top knot on my head. I'm wearing my Friday uniform, which is basically the Lululemon outfit I worked out in early this morning.  I'm disgusted with myself but I was on a mission.  I fight for a parking spot, run into the store and B line straight to the red suit.   There's one left, only one left and it isn't my size.   Not even close to my size.   CRAP.   I frantically find a sales person.   "Do you have anymore of these in the back?"   "No, sorry that is the last one."     Okay, now I'm officially freaking out.   What the F#ck am I going to do?   I start scanning the store and looking for ANYTHING I think might work. I piled up my arms with a few LBD choices and headed to the dressing room.  By some miracle, the first little black dress I tried on fit and it was perfect.  Thank you Holiday Party Gods!!  

I rushed home, hopped in the shower and scrambled to pull myself together in time to leave.    My roots needed a touch up, my legs were bruised from kicking open our Double Bob.  I was seriously a hot mess but somehow, someway, I pulled it all together.

So there I was at 6:30pm.  Feeling extra glam and ready for a good time.    I put on my go to black and gold Zara heels and headed down the stairs to say bye to the boys and walk out the door.   As I was walking down the stairs I missed a step and stumbled just enough to bend the stiletto on my favorite heels.  NOOOO!   Not the heels!!  I tossed the heel to my husband and asked him if there was anything he could do to fix it?  Please, pretty please?  No luck, they were goners.  UGH.   I schlepped back up the stairs to find another pair of shoes that would work with this number.   I found a pair of silver Enzo Angiolini pumps I had scored on major markdown last year at Saks Off Fifth Ave.  I'll have to remember this moment the next time Ken tells me I have too many shoes.  You never know when you'll bust a heel and need a back up.  Just sayin.  

It was a super stressful day of what the F am I going to wear?  But the scramble to pull it all together was definitely worth it.  We partied the night away like we didn't have 2 kids that were going to wake us up at 6 am, which we knew we'd regret in the morning. 

I must say, my coworkers and our husbands look pretty posh themselves, don't they?   Although, I know for a fact, I'm the luckiest gal around to have this guy by my side. 

Stay tuned for my tips on how to do a 2 minute root touch up, the perfect red lipstick and how to fake a spray tan.  All my favorite Holiday party shortcuts will be up on the blog next week.

Shop my look and my co-workers looks in the link below.  Rent or buy them.  You pick!

Christmas came early in the Law house

Fitnesskate law3 Comments

Here's the deal.  I got on the scale this morning and it was the lowest number I've seen.... maybe ever. I'm talking lower than the weight on my drivers license which hadn't been updated since I was 16. I'm pretty sure I lied about my weight even then. After seeing the numbers on the scale, I was feeling bullish so I tried on a pair of jeans I had ordered on cyber Monday.  They were the smallest size I've ever owned.  Not only did they fit, but honestly I probably could have bought a size smaller.  To top it off, a stranger stopped me on the street this week and told me I had great legs.   I was completely flabbergasted.  Is he talking to me?!   About these tree trunks??  You see, my legs have  ALWAYS been my biggest insecurity.  When I finally picked my jaw up off the ground, I told him "Thank you, I work hard for them."   He replied, "I can tell"    H#ll ya!!  Hard work pays off, people.  It really does.      

I've been doing the 21 Day Fix program since July but I have been on "maintenance mode" since October.  By maintenance I mean I try to eat clean 80% of the time, I drink shakeology and workout daily.  I meal plan on Saturdays and meal prep on Sundays.   I try to stay within my 21 Day Fix container guidelines.   I still have wine, lots of it, but usually try to keep it to Friday and Saturdays. But hey, sometimes it's a rough week and momma needs a drink on Thursday.  Sh#t happens.  I eat chocolate everyday, 2 small pieces.  I will spring for a slice of pizza if it looks worth it.   The bottom line is, it's all about moderation.

The combination of clean, portioned controlled eating with the 30 min at home workouts from the 21 Day Fix program transformed my body.  I'm talking you want to kick your old self's a#s for not trying this sooner, transformation.   The workouts challenged me daily and built muscles I never knew I had.  Hello tricep, where have you been all my life?   When I got bored with the 21 Day Fix DVDs, I would mix it up, trying the different on demand workouts from    Recently, I started focusing on lifting more with Sagi Kalev and the Body Beast program.   Sagi's a real tool and he refers to his sidekick as "the perfect storm" but if you can get past his meathead ways, the guy knows how to build muscle.

Just when I thought I couldn't listen to Sagi tell me "that's what separates the man and the beast" one more time, my Christmas dreams came true.   Beachbody announced a new program, Hammer and Chisel, would be released on Dec 2nd.  The promo read "Want results to be chiseled from head to toe?" Um, ya.   "Look no further than the Master's Hammer and Chisel. The combination of resistance training and cardio will deliver breakthrough results in just 60 days.... Craft a defined, visually-dramatic physique with this one-of-a-kind workout." F YA!  It sounded too good to be true with combo workouts from Autumn Calabrese of the 21 Day Fix (The Chisel) and Body Beast's Sagi Kalev (the Hammer) along with the nutrition plan of 21 Day Fix.  YAAAASSS!   Obviously, I ordered the program immediately and anxiously awaited for it to arrive on my doorstep.  Merry Christmas to Me!


Saturday the mail man delivered my Christmas present to myself.  I was so stoked to try it I opened it up and popped that puppy in my computer right away.  Frankie the Elf (hanging out in the background) helped cheer me along as I busted my A#s trying out this new program.   Let me just tell you, Hammer & Chisel did not disappoint. In 30 minutes I was sweating like whoa.  I was challenging mind and body with balance and strength combo moves only the Beast and Autumn could torture you with.  Frankie, you better report this sh#t back to Santa, I've been working extra hard this year.  Maybe Santa will bring me a new lulu top for all my hard work. *wink*

What's Santa bringing you this year?  You want to get chiseled from head to toe?  Why wait for Santa?  Treat yo self to the best gift of all, the gift of health and fitness.  Join me on my journey through this 60 day program.  Purchase Hammer & Chisel (or any of the beach body programs) here and I will add you to my personally sponsored challenge group.  I'll help provide healthy recipes, meal planning tips, motivation and accountability.   Sometimes you just need someone else to help get your a#s in gear.  I get it.   Let me be your Frankie.   Contact me for details. 



Shop my favorite workout gear below!

A day at the Zoo #WIW

Fashionkate law3 Comments

Last weekend, Ken and I had a rare open weekend with absolutely nothing on the calendar so we decided to pile the kids in the car and head to the zoo.  My monkeys and I always fit right in at the zoo! 

My go to essentials for a day at the zoo are always a good hat and a great pair of  sunnies.   Well, that and a few beers stashed in the bottom of the stroller but SHHHH that can be our little secret.  

I'm currently crushing on the color olive and this faux leather skirt is no exception.  I scored it on sale at Zara and unfortunately it's not available in stores anymore but I've linked some similar styles below.

The San Diego Zoo is super hilly so I always make sure I'm wearing a comfy pair of shoes.  Good news moms, no need to always wear your boring tennies.  I found a great pair of comfortable booties from Steve Madden.  Not only are they comfy but they are flattering to your legs.  The top of the bootie is cut low enough to still show a little bit of ankle and the small heel accentuates your calf.  There's nothing worse than an unflattering bootie and an unwanted cankle.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  

Aside from the beers hidden in the bottom of my double Bob, ya'll know I don't leave home without my bourbon (and bowties).  I found the cream bangle at Nordstrom and the black one at Fira

I always love a good bargain. This top from Old Navy is an everyday steal and it's currently on sale for $26.  YAAAASS!  I seriously wear this shirt at least once a week.... with leggings, tied in the front over a dress or tucked in with a skirt.  It's super versatile.  If you don't own a chambray top right now, what the h#ll are you waiting for?

Nothing like a little few rhinestones to take your denim to the next level.  This forever 21 necklace gave my zoo attire a little extra glam I needed to survive a day at the zoo with 2 wild monkeys.

To shop what I wore to the zoo and more check out my links below!

Hello, World!

Healthy(ier) Crunch Bar

Foodkate law1 Comment

I saw this recipe on Thrive Market's blog and I knew I had to try it.    It's no secret I'm a huge fan of quinoa and I may be one of the few adults that will actually still eat a Crunch bar so this combo made my wildest dreams come true.     It's 'healthy' because it's packed full of antioxidant rich dark chocolate and the amazing superfood quinoa.  

Quinoa is one of the most protein rich foods we can eat. It is a complete protein, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids. It also has twice as much fiber as most grains. As if that wasn't reason enough to love quinoa, it contains iron, lysine, magnesium, riboflavin, and a high content of manganese. Quinoa is basically the bada#s of all the grains. I put it in everything: salads, burgers, meatloaf, and now desserts. YES!!

First things first for this delicious dessert, I had to pop the quinoa. This was a totally new experience for me so of course I just You Tubed it.  Duh. I'll save you an internet search and give you the down low below.


I rinsed the quinoa several times under cold water and drained it on a paper towel lined strainer. After the quinoa was thoroughly dried, I spread it out over a baking sheet. Then I baked the quinoa for 1 hour at 100 degrees F,  until it was completely dry.

After the quinoa was done in the oven, I set it aside to cool and got ready to pop it like it's hot.   See what I did there?  

I heated a heavy pot over medium-high heat. I put 3 tablespoons of quinoa into the pot and covered it with a lid.  No oil, no nothing, just my hot pot and my quinoa. It took a me a few attempts to get the hang of it but basically if the pan is hot enough, the quinoa will pop right away, sort of like popping popcorn on the stove. After the popping died down, I removed the popped quinoa and poured it into another bowl. I repeated this for several rounds, 3 tablespoons at a time, until all the quinoa was popped.  

Aside from using popped quinoa for this kicka#s dessert, you can eat toasted quinoa as a snack, like popcorn. The protein and fiber in quinoa will keep you fuller longer than popcorn.   Another added bonus is it stores for several days in an airtight container.   

Popped Quinoa

Popped Quinoa

After all my quinoa was popped, I melted the dark chocolate in a double boiler over the stove.  This double boiler was my grandmother's.  It's an oldie, but a goodie. They just don't make them like this anymore, I swear. Plus it makes me happy when I use it.  It reminds me of a story my grandmother still tells about a time she was visiting when I was little.  She, my mom and I were all cooking together in the kitchen.  My Grandma was trying to help me wash a dish in the sink.  I clearly didn't want her help and I turned to my mother and said, "Mom, she thinks this is HER kitchen."  I guess I always was a bossy B.   

After the dark chocolate was melted, I mixed in the popped quinoa and then poured it on to a parchment paper lined glass pan.  

I went back to the stove and melted the white chocolate in the double boiler.   The original recipe only called for 4 oz white chocolate, but the first time I drizzled in the white chocolate it just dumped right to the bottom. DAMN.  I was determined to make this as pretty as the original picture so I melted 4 more oz of white chocolate and tried again.   Nailed it!  After I drizzled in the white chocolate, I used two toothpicks to swirl the chocolates together in a pretty marble pattern.    Take that Pinterest!


I refrigerated the entire pan until the chocolate was solid and then cut into chunks.  We were headed over to our friends house for a group dinner that night so I figured I'd take them for a taste test.  My girlfriends might pretend like they like it just to be polite and but their husbands will tell it like it is. I'm known for my decadent desserts and these big boys will call me on my diet sh#t if it's not good.

So did this recipe pass the husband taste test?   Well, let's just say Max wasn't the only guy sneaking an extra bite of chocolate crunch.....


 So make like Max, and Treat Yo' Self to this guilt free dessert!  

Quinoa Crunch Bars

Makes: 1 8x11 pan

Prep Time: 1 hour 15 min

Active Time: 15 min



24 ounces 70% dark chocolate (or higher)
1 3/4 cups popped quinoa
8 ounces white chocolate 


Line an 8x11-inch baking pan with parchment paper


Melt dark chocolate in a double boiler over a water bath.  Remove from heat and stir in popped quinoa. Pour into prepared pan.

Melt white chocolate in a double boiler over hot water bat. Pour over dark chocolate.   Use a toothpick to swirl the two chocolates to create a marbled pattern. 

Refrigerate until set. Cut into desired chocolate bar sizes.



***If you are following 21 day fix, I would count this as 1 yellow but use it as one of your treats for the week.  






The Accidental Pomegranate Salad

Foodkate law1 Comment

Last weekend I attempted to grocery shop with both kids.   Why on earth would I do that to myself?  I'm not quite sure, but I did.  After a pit stop at the bathroom for Kam, an opened bag of graham crackers for Max and a new comic book for them to share, I finally made my way to the check out with 2 kids and a cart full of groceries.   As I started to unload the groceries I found something peculiar.  What is this? A pomegranate?  How did this get in my cart?  I'm pretty sure I don't like pomegranates.  I don't even know how to eat them.  

I looked up at my 3 year old and he had the biggest sh#t eating grin on his face. Thanks Kam. I was too far in to turn back, so I did what any desperate mom would do, I paid for it and got the heck out of the store!   I'd figure out what to do with it later.

So there I was with a pomegranate.   One pomegranate.   Now what?   First I had to look up how to cut it.    It turns out, it's pretty easy.   Just slice off the top of one end, score along the seams, break it open, and peel away the arils (seeds).   I found it easiest to do this under water.  Discard the waste and strain the seeds. 

Guess what? I actually didn't hate pomegranate seeds but I thought they were kind of boring on their own.  I remembered I saw a recipe for a quinoa salad with pomegranate seeds, which would be perfect as I had some left over quinoa.  

After a quick internet search and scan of my cupboard, I found a few different recipes I thought I could marry together to make one pretty awesome pomegranate salad.  I had a butternut squash I had picked up at the farmers market, along with some dried cherries, pecans, and of course the left over quinoa.  

I chopped the cherries and pecans and tossed them together with the squash and quinoa.  Then I whipped up a delicious dressing with orange juice, red wine vinegar, maple syrup, extra virgin olive oil, and a dash of cinnamon.  After I tossed that together, I thought something was missing.  I really wished I had some goat cheese.  I didn't.  But I had feta.  I threw some feta in and BAM - that was it!  The best accidental pomegranate salad I'd ever had.    Mostly because I've never really had a pomegranate salad but hey, this sh#t is good.   Even my husband agrees.  He ate the whole thing before I could get a pretty propped picture so all I have for you is captured is below.  

I guess the lesson of the day is, when life serves you pomegranates, make a kicka#s salad!


The Accidental Pomegranate Salad

Serves: 4

Time: 30 minutes




1 tbsp  extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp maple syrup

2 tbsp fresh squeezed orange juice

1/8 cup red wine vinegar

Dash of cinnamon

Dash of sea salt



2 cups cooked quinoa

1/2 large butternut squash cubed

1 pomegranate (seeds only) 

1/4 cup feta (or goat) cheese

1 handful of chopped pecans

1 handful of chopped dried cherries



  1. Prepare quinoa as directed on the package.
  2. Cook butternut squash.   I like to microwave mine because it's the quickest and easiest way.  Simply poke holes all over the squash with a fork and microwave for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until squash is soft.   Set aside to cool.  Once cooled slice in half, scoop out seeds, and cut one half into 1 inch cubes.  
  3. In a large bowl toss together the quinoa, chopped dried cherries, feta (or goat) cheese, pomegranate seeds, pecans and butternut squash.
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together the extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar, orange juice, and maple syrup.  Add salt and cinnamon to taste.
  5. Pour the dressing over the salad,toss and serve.  

**If you follow the 21 Day Fix program one serving would could as 1 yellow, 1 green, 1/2 blue, 1/2 purple, 1 teaspoon 


Mad about Plaid

Fashionkate law5 Comments

This Fall I'm mad about plaid - buffalo check plaid to be exact.   It's everywhere and I can't stop adding this print to my wardrobe!

Considering we are still having a heatwave here in Southern California, this sleeveless tunic is beyond perfect for my transition into a SoCal Fall/Winter.  Normally, I'm not one to rock a loose flowing top.  In fact, I had a short affair with Stitch Fix a while back, but I had to break it off because my stylist didn't quite understand what 'cinch at the waist' meant.  Anyway,  I saw this gem pop up on Fira Boutique's Instagram page and I instantly broke my 'no flowing top' rule.   I'm so happy I did!  Every time I wear this top I get compliments so I knew it had to be my first blog post.  

Ya'll know I love accessories, but have I told you I have a bourbon problem?   Bourbon and Bowties to be exact. I have a large collection of these bangles that I love to mix and match depending on my look.  I'm loving the stack of bourbons with this outfit.   It's edgy with a touch of sparkle and glam - just the way I like it.  I got all 3 bangles at Fira.  I blame Fira for my Bourbon problem.  They still have the large quartz bangle available online here.   Fira also has a huge collection in store for all you local Illinois peeps.  Nordstrom's also just picked up the Bourbon and Bowties line, that's how you know it's good. They have the large Durzy  (for a little glitz) and Arrowhead (for that edgy glam) bracelets available online as well.    

A girl can never have too many accessories and I have a closet full of statement necklaces to prove it.  I love when I can find a chic, affordable piece.  I can always count on H&M and Forever 21 to deliver a good statement necklace.    The gem I'm wearing above is still available at online at Forever 21

Okay I'm sure you're all  "But can we talk about that bag?!"   Yes, my friends, we can.   I am OBSESSED with this fringe tote.  I was on the hunt for the perfect fringe bag this Fall.  I probably ordered 4 different bags and when I pulled this bad boy out of the box, I knew it was THE one.  It's literally the perfect bag.  It fits all my mom crap.  In fact, there is likely a diaper, some wipes, a spiderman toy, 3 half eaten granola bars, and all MY stuff in that bag as we speak.  But the long fringe and rough suede says 'no mom jeans in this closet'   If I could marry a bag, it'd be this one.  Thank you, Nordstrom for making my fringe bag dreams come true.    

Speaking of mom jeans, every girl needs a great pair of distressed black skinny jeans this season.  They are so versatile.  You can dress them up or down, wear them with booties, boots, or even heels.   I found mine at Nordstrom.   These run big so I'd order a size down.   What?!  Cute jeans that make you feel skinny?  Yup.  You're welcome.   

The even better news is that both items are still available AND under $60 each!   This momma loves a smacking deal!

 Stay tuned for more updates on all my Fall/Winter must haves and smacking deals.


Get this look by shopping the links above and below!

Hello, World!