She Loves The F Word

Christmas came early in the Law house

Fitnesskate law3 Comments

Here's the deal.  I got on the scale this morning and it was the lowest number I've seen.... maybe ever. I'm talking lower than the weight on my drivers license which hadn't been updated since I was 16. I'm pretty sure I lied about my weight even then. After seeing the numbers on the scale, I was feeling bullish so I tried on a pair of jeans I had ordered on cyber Monday.  They were the smallest size I've ever owned.  Not only did they fit, but honestly I probably could have bought a size smaller.  To top it off, a stranger stopped me on the street this week and told me I had great legs.   I was completely flabbergasted.  Is he talking to me?!   About these tree trunks??  You see, my legs have  ALWAYS been my biggest insecurity.  When I finally picked my jaw up off the ground, I told him "Thank you, I work hard for them."   He replied, "I can tell"    H#ll ya!!  Hard work pays off, people.  It really does.      

I've been doing the 21 Day Fix program since July but I have been on "maintenance mode" since October.  By maintenance I mean I try to eat clean 80% of the time, I drink shakeology and workout daily.  I meal plan on Saturdays and meal prep on Sundays.   I try to stay within my 21 Day Fix container guidelines.   I still have wine, lots of it, but usually try to keep it to Friday and Saturdays. But hey, sometimes it's a rough week and momma needs a drink on Thursday.  Sh#t happens.  I eat chocolate everyday, 2 small pieces.  I will spring for a slice of pizza if it looks worth it.   The bottom line is, it's all about moderation.

The combination of clean, portioned controlled eating with the 30 min at home workouts from the 21 Day Fix program transformed my body.  I'm talking you want to kick your old self's a#s for not trying this sooner, transformation.   The workouts challenged me daily and built muscles I never knew I had.  Hello tricep, where have you been all my life?   When I got bored with the 21 Day Fix DVDs, I would mix it up, trying the different on demand workouts from    Recently, I started focusing on lifting more with Sagi Kalev and the Body Beast program.   Sagi's a real tool and he refers to his sidekick as "the perfect storm" but if you can get past his meathead ways, the guy knows how to build muscle.

Just when I thought I couldn't listen to Sagi tell me "that's what separates the man and the beast" one more time, my Christmas dreams came true.   Beachbody announced a new program, Hammer and Chisel, would be released on Dec 2nd.  The promo read "Want results to be chiseled from head to toe?" Um, ya.   "Look no further than the Master's Hammer and Chisel. The combination of resistance training and cardio will deliver breakthrough results in just 60 days.... Craft a defined, visually-dramatic physique with this one-of-a-kind workout." F YA!  It sounded too good to be true with combo workouts from Autumn Calabrese of the 21 Day Fix (The Chisel) and Body Beast's Sagi Kalev (the Hammer) along with the nutrition plan of 21 Day Fix.  YAAAASSS!   Obviously, I ordered the program immediately and anxiously awaited for it to arrive on my doorstep.  Merry Christmas to Me!


Saturday the mail man delivered my Christmas present to myself.  I was so stoked to try it I opened it up and popped that puppy in my computer right away.  Frankie the Elf (hanging out in the background) helped cheer me along as I busted my A#s trying out this new program.   Let me just tell you, Hammer & Chisel did not disappoint. In 30 minutes I was sweating like whoa.  I was challenging mind and body with balance and strength combo moves only the Beast and Autumn could torture you with.  Frankie, you better report this sh#t back to Santa, I've been working extra hard this year.  Maybe Santa will bring me a new lulu top for all my hard work. *wink*

What's Santa bringing you this year?  You want to get chiseled from head to toe?  Why wait for Santa?  Treat yo self to the best gift of all, the gift of health and fitness.  Join me on my journey through this 60 day program.  Purchase Hammer & Chisel (or any of the beach body programs) here and I will add you to my personally sponsored challenge group.  I'll help provide healthy recipes, meal planning tips, motivation and accountability.   Sometimes you just need someone else to help get your a#s in gear.  I get it.   Let me be your Frankie.   Contact me for details. 



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