She Loves The F Word

I Scream, You Scream!

Foodkate lawComment

We all scream for ice cream!   3 cheers for Summer.  In honor of the first full week of Summer,  I'm posting one of my family's favorite Summertime treats, S'more ice cream sandwiches.      

I got the idea for these gems after visiting the San Diego County fair several years ago.  The fair is famous for ridiculous food combos including deep fried Oreos and Krispy Kreme cheese burgers. I saw this ice cream sandwich at a stand and had to have it.   It was so mind blowingly good that I knew I had to run home and recreate it. Now it's a Summertime staple in the Law house.  It's only 4 ingredients and it's pretty much impossible to screw up so what are you waiting for?  Get these 4 ingredients and GO:  

  1. Graham Crackers
  2. Chocolate Chips
  3. Mini Marshmallows
  4. your favorite ice cream

Start by melting chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl.  Heat 30 seconds at a time stirring in between until the chips are smooth.  Be careful not to over heat.  


Break graham crackers in half and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. 


Spread melted chocolate onto top half of a graham cracker with a knife. Place flat in the freezer until chocolate hardens (about 10 mins).   


Try to keep curious toddler hands away from these chocolaty treats. 


Pull your favorite ice cream out of the freezer to soften for a few minutes.   This week I used peanut butter chocolate because why the hell not!?  I like the slow churned ice cream because it is softer and easier to scoop out.   Also I'm not mad about saving a few calories here and there, ya feel me?  

Next tear off a few 12x6 inch pieces of aluminum foil.  You'll need one piece of foil for every ice cream sandwich you are making.  The key is to have these all torn and prepped before you get into the ice cream part because once you start scoping ice cream, you'll need to move quickly to avoid a melty mess.       


Scoop one full scoop of softened  ice cream onto the non chocolate side of one graham cracker. Top the ice cream with a few mini marshmallows. Resist the urge to get cray cray with the marshmallows.  You will need some ice cream exposed to help "glue" the top graham cracker in place.   


Place the top cracker on top of the ice cream with the chocolate side facing out. Add a few additional mini marshmallows to the sides of the sandwich.   


 Wrap each sandwich in tin foil and return to the freezer to harden.  


Remove from the freezer and enjoy!!!


I promise I'll be back with some healthy, 21 day fix approved recipes next but until then, I'm just going to sit here and shove my face in this chocolatey goodness.